Thursday, June 9, 2022

Bingewatching Highway to Heaven

 I have not watched the news for years.  I need to save my sanity. I am not much in touch with the world in general. Not on Facebook, Instagram, etc.  But I love movies and old TV shows.


Trouble is, most of them are toxic. I adore Little House on the Prairie but there are only so many times I can re-watch the episodes. I know them by heart. An internet search of wholesome old TV shows brought up Highway to Heaven, also starring Landon.  It used to drive me nuts that his character was so manipulative, interfering (with good intentions), imposing his values on others.  Yep, it still bugs me. But I am pretty limited as to what I can tolerate for entertainment so I  keep with it.

What I DO enjoy is the fact that so many shows focus on disabilities. And that the directors of the show used disabled actors to portray these characters. Way to go!  Much more advanced than ancient shows or movies involving white people portraying Asians, Native Americans, etc, dyeing skin and hair in an effort to change the look of their race.

In researching Highway to Heaven star Jim Troesh, a quadriplegic screenwriter, actor and entertainment industry disability advocate, just because I thought he was one of the most gorgeous men I had ever seen, I stumbled upon  I had not known this site existed. I should not be surprised, as there seems to be sites for just about everything. I am not a fan of technology or computers in general, so do not do much perusing.  Except for things that feature cat rescue or nature.

The first paragraph I went to was "stereotypes and cliches. "  Among them is the very issue I often have with Highway to Heaven, that of  the disabled person needs able-bodied people to teach them that their life isn’t over.  That seemed to occur way too often in the episodes.

For most of my life I have been a dichotomous thinker, one who immediately discards anything that has a touch of offensiveness in it, no matter what wonderful things might surround it.  This means I do not go further, do not give the person or situation a chance to show the positive points.  Thankfully,  I am at the stage where I don't do that any longer. So I am viewing this show, cringing when it is appropriate, yet celebrating the fact that disabilities are so often featured.

My next step is to go to other places within to find some excellent viewing.




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