Monday, April 11, 2022

Listening to the body's messages

I have caraway seeds in my spice rack that never get used. Well, scratch that, they get used every Christmas when I bake a special kind of bread for a friend of mine.

But in the past week, I have eaten at least a teaspoon of the seeds daily even though I have never cared for the taste.  Why?  Because my body told me to. 

My body suddenly started craving caraway. Since I learned to trust my body with 'wise cravings,' I payed attention and found a way to consume the seeds so that I could easily enjoy them and not have to bake with them, as is my method for my friend's holiday gift.

After my first 'dose,' I looked up the benefits, knowing I would not be a bit surprised at finding out that caraway is exactly what I need right now. Sure enough, it eases indigestion, bloating, gas, heartburn, and the like. All of which I have been dealing with (in mild to moderate misery) for several weeks now. The ailment has drastically improved since I began liberally sprinkling finely ground caraway seeds on my morning toast.

A few years back, I began listening to my body's cravings. I dreamed I was eating blackboard chalk! I certainly was puzzled when I woke up and recalled the dream. I decided to look up the contents of chalk. It is all calcium. I looked up what I could eat that has a lot of that and tofu and almond were on the list. These are foods I would eat almost daily but for some reason had stopped for the past previous months. I felt my body recognized its lack of the usual calcium doses and let me know via a dream.

*sigh*  ...... If only my body would demand guilt-free chocolate cake!





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