Tuesday, March 15, 2022



Today at IC we had two very basic sessions. One was Political Conversation and the other Conversation Cafe.

For some reason I’m not clear on why today's sessions blew me away.

Today we did what we always do, we talked, laughed, spoke from our hearts, spoke from our minds, and then clicked ‘leave’ and that was that.

But was it? 

At IC we have such a mix of people from all walks of life, all ages, and all abilities and disabilities. We all look at life from very different perspectives and most of us have very little in common with each other. And yet, at the same time, we connect and understand each other so very completely. And if we don’t understand, that’s fine. We don’t need to understand a person’s personal story, we absolutely still love each other -for the simple reason that the person exists and is amongst us. 

How can that be with such a small program run entirely by volunteers (and not very many volunteers at that?)

It’s so clear to me how many people’s lives are transformed through attending IC. 

People with cancer and who have few people who understand them.

People who have experienced shock therapy. 

People who have lived safely amongst the upper classes.

People who have existed in facilities. 

People who have lost all their supports since tragedy hit them. 

People who spend their time laughing at most everything that comes their way.

People who are extreme right wingers. 

And so many more.

After attending IC a few times we feel the love, the acceptance, the joy from being together.

We don’t do anything special or brilliant at IC. We just get together. Look at each other on Zoom.

And when we click on ‘leave’ at the end of an hour we all know we’ve just experienced a healing of some sort. We all feel better for having spent that short time together.

Maybe it doesn’t take brilliance or special programs to ease our pain, fears, anxieties, or loneliness.

Maybe it only takes deep listening, giving each other a few moments of our time where we actually deeply hear and see each other.

Maybe that is all it takes to be a powerful program. Maybe that is most of what we all need.

Food, medicine, shelter and being seen for who we are.

And if that’s the case, then we can each do so much to help the world.

Who knew. Not me. But now, today, right now, I do know.


- JT


At March 16, 2022 at 9:59 AM , Blogger Inclusion Center said...

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