Wednesday, March 2, 2022

My pillbox does much more than hold my meds

 I lost a day this week and have no idea how.

I opened my pill container, the nicest style I have ever had, and to my complete surprise, the next upturned label told me it was Wednesday! I checked all past day containers and they were empty. I concluded that I had mistakenly taken today's doses yesterday. It was unnerving.  I continued to feel uneasy about my grip on reality then I got an email from my brother, asking me to do something tomorrow (which was also confusing because he lives three time zones away and is up at all hours so I am never quite sure how his 'tomorrow' corresponds with mine.) He was kind enough, knowing my LymeBrain is still off keel, to say WEDNESDAY in bold letters. So. Now I know it really IS Wednesday.

WEDNESDAY????? I am not ready for Wednesday! I thought I had one more day to gather trash and recycling. I glanced at the clock and realized it was past the time that I usually see the garbage truck pull to my curb. I madly dashed about gathering bags and boxes, rushing out the door in my slippers, which was a decidedly bad idea since it had snowed again in the night. I was willing to do almost anything to not miss the truck. I had a lot to hand over and no place to store it if I had to wait another week.

Thankfully, I made it. My cats did not appreciate the frenetic activity and retreated to a back room. I also retreated into my own mind as I watched, with satisfaction, the truck haul away my stuff. How on earth did I lose a day? I always rely on my pillbox rather than my calendars, to tell me what day of the week it is. And I find it alarming how quickly a week passes. I feel like I just filled this pillbox up 2 days ago, yet 7 days have passed!  My life has been quite chaotic this winter and I have tried to be as gentle with myself as possible. Last month I caught myself scolding the head of the household (me) for not getting much done in a week. now I just take note of it and let it go.  And this is the attitude I chose to take about the missing day. It let ME go, now I will let IT go.



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