Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Last resort turns out to be top notch


During a recent snowstorm, I realized, too late, that I had no fresh greens in the house for sandwiches.

I felt at a loss until I remembered the beets that I had harvested in November. After eating the yummy roots, I had taken the cut-off top and put it in water where I faithfully kept it watered. How could I have forgotten, after tending to it daily, that it was full of rich leaves? It just goes to show ya how easy it is to forget things when you just 'go through the motion' of caring for it. I had watched those shoots so closely, making sure they never dried out, and enjoyed seeing the healthy tops brightening my windowsill, beyond which, the landscape had been dull white for months.

I carefully cut and rinsed many tiny leaves, put them in my sandwich that day, and enjoyed every nourishing bite. As with my many spider plants, from which I often pluck tender leaves as safe treats for my cats, I said, "thank you, plant" as I harvested. 

Beet green nutritional contents include protein, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, thiamine, riboflavin, manganese, and vitamins A,B, C, E, and K.  All, for me that day, as fresh as they could be!



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