Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Self-care vs cat care

 As a cat devotee, I do all I can for my furry ones. Millions of other pet owners do the same.

As I have been paying attention lately to how much care I give to myself, I have become alarmed at the lack of attention I give to the head of the household- me. If I do not honor myself and my needs to the extent I do for my pets, I am in danger of crushing the very foundation I work so hard to build for the four-legged family. If I become exhausted injured, or in a depressive funk, how will my pets thrive?

I have begun to slowly change my ways. In spite of a pitiable look from my cat who seeks yet more attention, I tell her aloud that I need to talk a walk, read a book, do my physical therapy, meditate. It is very difficult to turn away from them in order to provide my own self with that much-needed care.

The other day, my hands, after constant washing, became so chapped that they were bleeding. Yet I refrained from using lotion because when I reach out to my cats, they are repelled by the fragrance (even though I use fragrance-free stuff!) and I can't stand that gesture of rejection or that offense to their precious noses.  My compromise is now to coat my hands only at bedtime, after I have given them all their final petting. In this way, everyone is happy and my skin is recovering.

My goal is to find more compromises during the day, to focus on my own needs in a way that prevents guilt and that supports the leader of the pack.



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