Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Why I am happy about the spider in my bedroom

 I have not always been enamored by spiders. I had some interest in the wolf spiders in the hay barn where I played as a child, but had a healthy respect for them and did not get very near.

As an adult, I appreciate all life, human or otherwise and do what I can to keep them safe from harm. This attitude alone has caused me to learn a bit more about those critters who I might encounter on a daily basis.

We all know that spiders are very helpful in eating other bugs who we don't much welcome but do you know just how many?  A spider can consume, according to discoverwildlife.com, hundreds of insects in one day. Tired of dealing with the flies that go up your nose every time you try to put something in your countertop compost bucket? Rely on that spider in the corner to deal with it. No need to fear her or do her any harm.

I have a spider in my shower that I look for before turning on the water. He is sometimes on the actual tub floor and it would break my heart if he were accidentally washed down the drain. Normally, he is in a high corner. Just this week, he disappeared and I miss him. He was 'company' as I took my shower.

The one in the photo here lives in my bedroom. Never seems to go anywhere. I am sure she is in her winter torpidity, waiting for warmer weather, when she will become more active and eat more. She can go for a very long time without a meal. My cats become interested if she moves but are more prone to watch the darker ones, more easily seen. I am thankful that they do not go after them. It makes me sad to see any predator harass another creature, even though it is part of Nature.

I am no expert so don't know what sex any of them are and do not care. I respect them, marvel at their beauty and abilities, and really do appreciate them just being there. If they never ate any 'pests,' I would still welcome them wholeheartedly.



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