Friday, March 11, 2022

Is this tree disabled?


On my walk yesterday, I spied this tree. The base was about a foot from the road, smooshed into both snow piles and plowed-up gravel. It looked very much like it had been knocked over years ago by road machines. Therefore, the trunk was at a 45 degree angle from a "normal" tree's stature. So what did the tree do after this trauma? It was powerless to return to its original position. In order to continue living, it changed its growth pattern. As usual, it reached for the sun. The single branch that remains shows an upward swing. It did what it had to, did what it could. And still it lives on.

It stands out amongst the other trees - looks decidedly different. Yet, it remains a tree, rooted, preserving the soil from erosion, hosting bird life, changing sun to energy, and wicking water up using its sapwood, the term for that part of the tree that does this. All of these basic elements are present in spite of the fact that most human viewers will note only the obvious injury, the different quality of this particular tree. (For those of us who have an easily detected disability, we know all too well what others often focus on first.) This tree does not give a hoot what I think of it, how anyone might label it. It just goes on living to the best of its ability. In this respect, it is a smashing success.

Does anyone need to put this tree in a category?  Not really. It may appear disabled, but it is in fact, no different than its neighbors, who are all doing the same tree things. This tree faces challenges. It works harder than its neighbors.  Disabled people could relate. While so many in society have 'average' challenges daily, ours are doubled, tripled, or more. And in the human world, it is far beyond just physical challenges. 

I celebrate this tree's 'disability.' No other tree around looked inviting. I wanted to go sit on its lovely bent trunk. The way it was forced to grow made it wonderful. Beautifully different. And a heck of a lot more interesting than the standards.

Keep reaching for the sun!



At March 15, 2022 at 8:23 AM , Blogger Inclusion Center Blog said...

does this work


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