Monday, April 4, 2022

Misophonia needs an official clinical home

 Misophonia is a little-known condition where people experience a negative reaction to certain innocuous stimuli, which are often common, everyday sounds. While many people find some visual or auditory stimuli annoying, individuals with Misophonia experience an extreme reaction to trigger stimuli, which can interfere with their everyday lives. That reaction begins with instant, intense rage.

The above rendition of a screaming lady is a very accurate likeness to myself and countless other misophonia sufferers. We have absolutely no control over the instant feelings of rage that flood our systems the moment we hear certain sounds. The disorder causes marked disruptions in our lives.

I have lost friends over this issue. I had a dear companion who simply could not eat with her mouth closed. Smacking sounds are one of the biggest triggers for miso folks. I am on a support forum full of users who describe abandoning relationships due to this condition. And I just finished registering at a cat-lovers website where several users are in despair over the rage they feel (just as I do) the moment their precious kitty begins to lick herself. Oh, that sound! So much worse than the typical 'nails on a chalkboard' repulsion.

My experiences began when I was about eight years old. So did my brother's , SO DID MY DAUGHTER'S!  Studies show how often it runs in families. And how closely it is paired with depression and OCD.

With the plethora of information out there in the medical community and the frequency with which sufferers seek help, one would think the condition would be 'official.'  Not yet, apparently. That needs to happen. I have described the horrors of this to at least five practitioners in the past year. Not a one has ever heard of it. I am happy to provide them with information so they can help or diagnose others, but find it sad that here I am, educating the pros. So far, no cure or treatment has been found, other than the constant use of earplugs, not possible for some people. I myself now have earplugs in every room. When I reach for them, I can never move fast enough. The rage has already taken over my body upon being exposed to some sound.  My pulse races, the adrenaline goes through the roof, and my muscles are tensed. I want more than anything to throw a chair through a window. It is, actually, quite a fascinating disorder. I will throw a party the day someone finds a real solution.



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