Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Magic happens during IC meetings


I see something wonderful at so many Inclusion Center Zoom meetings. Mostly, we do show our faces during a meeting. Some participants will tell us that they have very little energy that day and it is easily recognizable by the rest of us....eyes aren't so focused, mouths are not smiling, shoulders are slumped.  Often I am one of them, predicting that my brain will be uncooperative and my interest in the topics will quickly wane. I can almost feel my eyes telling me they'd rather be closed. Yet, after just a few minutes of either conversation or play (during Friday Games and Silliness,) I have seemingly forgotten that I am fatigued. 

I so often hear myself or others say, at the start of a meeting, phrases like, "I might have to leave after ten minutes" or "I know I'm not gonna make it through this whole hour." But more often than not, the folks who said those things are, a third of the way through the gathering,  coming up with brilliant ideas, laughing, and engaging in a way they simply did not expect to be able to do.  

I absolutely love this part of Inclusion Center. We really do fuel each other. We infect each other with energy. When I have experienced this momentary transformation, I am amazed. I feel as if I were given an actual iv drip of happiness or energy. For this unexpected result, I am so grateful.

It does not happen every single time.Sometimes I do nearly fall asleep during a meeting. And I have seen others leave to just 'go lie down.' But when I am in other online groups, I never see the opposite. Only at Inclusion Center have I seen the 'magic' of reenergization.  Our time together seems to fly by.  I have, by some miracle, experienced smiles, laughter, and clear thinking. Things I never predicted when I signed into Zoom, wondering if I could make it through the hour.

The people that make up Inclusion Center are marvelous. The very definition of marvel..... a wonderful or astonishing person or thing.



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