Friday, April 22, 2022

Our amazing intuition sessions

Wednesdays at 12:30, a group of growth-seeking individuals discuss the development of intuition with the help of our leader, Susan. The experiences have been both eye-opening and satisfying.

Some of our 'homework' has been paying attention to the animal of your choice in order to put feelers out for a 'spirit animal,'  sitting silently with a trusted person to see what information comes into our minds, thinking about how our world view would change if we were to adopt the belief that all paths are valid, and the consideration that we can view ourselves as our own child and can treat ourselves as such. And many other fascinating discussions.   As I write, I am concerned that I am not wording these session descriptions very well. The topics we deal with are not easy to describe. But, my goodness, are they ever powerful!

I come to these meetings to develop my intuition but the knowledge and experiences I am gaining go so far beyond my original goals, that I feel I am standing in  an empty room with my mouth agape. I am amazed at what is emerging, for all attendees, and never expected to be given the gifts of exploration that I am receiving.  We are opening up to ourselves and each other. We are growing. I see people's faces changing over the weeks. It is beautiful.

Newcomers are welcome. The sessions are free and meet via Zoom. Signups are on through the Inclusion Center group.



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