realization of progress
The clinic where I used to get counseling shut down months ago so I have not had therapy since then. Every once in awhile, my counselor used to remind me just how far I have come. I no longer have that prompt from her but was given a wake-up call this morning when I was scratched by one of my cats.
I looked at the deepening marks and was suddenly brought back to the days of self-harm. Some of the cutting I used to do is still visible after 20 years. Thankfully, I have not done any such thing in over two years. I had not realized the stretch of time nor had I examined this victory at all.
I also occasionally come across the big white spot where they had to dig the tick out, the one that delivered Lyme and two other diseases in to my system. Yesterday I viewed it again and remembered just how debilitated I was. And without much hope of ever getting 'my life back.'
It was years of heart-wrenching work (for the mental issues) and years of learning a new lifestyle and meticulously taking meds throughout each day (for the tick-borne illnesses) and now here I am with the lovely results.
I do have small fears that either of these issues could rear their ugly heads again but when I begin thinking that way, I choose to focus on my victories and strengths instead.
Is there a way that you, the reader, can see progress in your own life? I truly hope it is cause for massive celebration.
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