Sunday, November 13, 2022

Election Deniers


Are election deniers going to deny their own wins?


Election Denier


"The election is rigged!....What? I won?!....never mind..."


"The election is rigged!"

-- D

Friday, November 4, 2022

Inappropriate humor

 Ah, you are expecting  something else?

What I mean is, how can I find this inappropriate behavior so funny?

My cat using the just-cleaned cast iron pan on my stove as a litter box.

A great deal of work to clean and sanitize it but I could not stop laughing.

Particularly after I emailed the photo to my brother and he 'shopped it up and made me laugh even harder.


I hope this gives you a laugh too and possibly 'permission' to giggle when you might otherwise be just a tad miffed at something.



Tuesday, November 1, 2022

When you can't get hugs


Winter approaches quickly and the pandemic continues. It is predicted that we may once more be isolated beyond the norm. So many folks have been craving physical contact for years due to this. Those fortunate enough to have a cuddly pet can benefit from contact with those members of the family. But what about those who live entirely alone, no other people, no pets?

I have tried standing  in the shower, allowing the stream of water to caress my skin.  Nice but not what I was looking for. Then the other day I happened to be outside when the wind picked up.

It was marvelous! It wound its fingers through my hair, swept across my face, circled around my arms, whizzed past my ears, as if whispering, 'I am here with you.'  It was the closest thing to a hug I had experienced in ages. If you can get out at all, I highly recommend it. If you are housebound, even briefly opening a window on a windy day can feel wonderful.