Friday, December 17, 2021

2 a.m. discipline pays off


I was not too confident that I'd actually get up at 2 a.m. when the alarm went off. I was anticipating a lovely meteor shower which I had waited years to see, all other such events being blocked by full moons,  overcast conditions, or city living.

Indeed, my bed felt overly-snug when the alarm went off but a recent stint with successful physical therapy had served me well to develop some discipline and I pulled on my long johns and flannel-lined jeans.

Because of my physical therapy, I was delighted that my body could now safely lower itself to the ground.  I was immediately rewarded with a truly fine streak across the sky, right where I first looked.  I stayed out, my body growing colder and colder, for about 40 minutes.  Each time another one appeared, I felt I should stay for 'just one more.'  As I waited between meteors, I realized how quiet it was. I could hear the gurgling brook that ran through the meadow behind my trailer, a soothing wind through the pines, and two kinds of owl voices.  Absolutely nothing else. I tried to convince myself that being outside in the middle of the night, in winter temperatures was delightful and special and that I need not wait for the next meteor shower to come around in order to enjoy it.  Yeah, right.  It was miracle enough that I made it outside and found enough old towels to lie on.

I was even able to enjoy the spectacular show while my ocd brain proceeded to count every shooting star. At first I tried, as usual, to fight it or use my redirect tools, but did not want anything to spoil my fun, so I just let it happen this time. I got up to 20.

It took me a good two hours to get back to sleep after crawling into my now-cold sheets but I still had lovely visions and memories of what I had the privilege of viewing in the cold night sky.




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